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Open Heavens’s New Album Revival Rising Available Now

November 6, 2019
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Columbus, OH (May, 2019) — Open Heaven, the worship ministry of Faith Life Church near Columbus, Ohio, is proud to release their new album, Revival Rising. The 11-song album combines upbeat melodies with Spirit-filled, prophetic lyrics to provide a powerful, heartfelt response to the times in which we live. It sounds an anointed, impassioned call to seek answers in Jesus Christ, to draw close to Him, and shower His love and goodness on those around us who are fighting darkness. 

When the team sat down to write this album, produced by Matthew Wooten with executive producer Amy Freudiger, they had an important goal: to help people realize that revival is not a mysterious concept or abstract theory. It is available to us here and now, and it starts in each of us. Senior Pastor Gary Keesee of Faith Life Churcb said, “I’m very excited about this album because I know there are so many people who need to connect to God in a deeper way, desperate for hope. I believe people’s eyes will be opened to the true power of God through the anointed Revival Rising lyrics.”

The title track, “Revival Rising” beautifully teaches that concept. As Worship Pastor Amy Freudiger says, “We aren’t waiting on God, He is waiting on us! That’s why the chorus of that song says, ‘WE tear down every wall; WE break every chain. Revival is rising in this place. Jesus, You are in this place.’ When we draw near to God intentionally, we see Him move in our lives.” 

Open Heaven’s mission is to bring a prophetic but musically relevant voice to believers everywhere, inspiring them to join together in seeking a spiritual renewal across America and the world. The group has released three projects on DREAM: Live From Faith Life Church (2015) Lion of Judah (2016), and Miracle Maker (2017). They also were featured on The Case for Christ album that accompanied the release of the film by the same name in 2017.

You can purchase Revival Rising at or via any online music site.

Revival Rising track listing:
1. “One Promise”
2. “Walls Fall”
3. “Revival Rising”
4. “Breathe”
5. “Warrior”
6. “All”
7. “Here and Now”
8. “Heaven’s Song”
9. “For Your Glory”
10. “Higher”
11. “Incredible Goodness”

For more information, visit: and 


Open Heaven is a passionate group of singers, songwriters, and musicians based out of the worship ministry of Faith Life Church, located near Columbus, Ohio. With progressive and ambient pop sounds mixed with the power of live worship, Open Heaven brings a refreshing and encouraging experience in their new album, Revival Rising, releasing May 17, 2019, through Dream Worship.

Open Heaven’s first projects Live from Faith Life Church (2015), Lion of Judah (2016) and Miracle Maker (2017) have had a successful reach through many churches across America and in several other countries.

With over 3,000 people now calling Faith Life Church their home, the ministry has grown to also include international media outreaches, two daily television programs, a missions organization, and homes for underprivileged women and families.


DREAM was founded in 2008 to provide artists with a genuine approach to how real artist development should be done. By allowing for a partnership as a business model, Dream’s artists empower themselves to develop and carry out a real vision for their lives as they affect other people’s lives with their music and message. By incorporating social media, press, radio, and touring, it’s allowing its artists to grow together as a family.

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Lance Brown

By Amy Keesee Freudiger November 6, 2020
In the beginning of this year, 2020, I sat down with my songwriting team and shared my heart about what God was speaking regarding our new album. I told them that when I prayed over this album, I felt resurrection and breakthrough was coming.
November 13, 2019
Any artist knows inspiration can come anywhere and at any time. For Amy Freudiger, lead singer of the band Open Heaven and executive producer of their latest album, Revival Rising it arrived in summer of 2018. “I attended a youth camp with our church to pray and minister to the young people there. I saw such a raw hunger in them all, and I thought to myself, “Now here’s a group of kids who can change the world,” she says. “As they all cried out for revival that night, I saw what the Holy Spirit’s desire is for each of us. He wants ALL of our hearts because He wants to give ALL of Himself to us. I knew our album needed to center around that theme.” The Supernatural Journey For Freudiger, Open Heaven grows stronger each year for two reasons: supernatural inspiration from God’s Holy Spirit and the long-lasting bonds between the band members. “Since we are based out of our worship ministry at Faith Life Church, some of us have been playing together for 15 years or more. My brothers are involved in writing, singing, and playing instruments, so obviously, we go back further than that,” says Freudiger. Like any spiritual gift, she admits that music is a great blessing, but it can also be hard to walk out. “Music is the way I talk to God, and it’s also when I feel most like myself. [Yet], leading worship and recording music is scary still at times, because you make yourself so vulnerable and open.” Years of growing together in faith and in friendship has enabled the band members to create powerful albums such as Miracle Maker and Lion of Judah, filled with upbeat sounds and Spirit-filled lyrics. Creating the Finished Product Musicians are often reluctant to pick a favorite song from a new album. Every song has its own unique story, sound, personality, and message. Picking one can feel like being asked to choose your favorite child. For Freudiger, who admits that each song has a deeply personal meaning, there was one track that stood out. “There are many that have deep personal meaning. But I think the most personally touching song for me is called “For Your Glory,” she says. “It was written based on a message I taught in our church about being all in—becoming totally obsessed and given over to God’s desires for our lives. This song is my personal prayer to God.”, Go HERE to listen to a sneak peek of the track, “For Your Glory.” The Message When asked if she could give one message to Open Heaven fans, Freudiger replied, “Our Father God has already given us an open heaven, with access to His presence, His power, and His provision. He now invites us to enjoy Him and know Him, being fully delighted by His lavish love.” Open Heaven band creates powerful worship music founded on the belief that heaven IS open to us, the Holy Spirit is with us now, and the Kingdom of heaven is INSIDE OF US. And since the Spirit of Jesus is INSIDE of us, we should forever be worshipping, giving thanks, and praising Him. Their latest album, Revival Rising, is a heartfelt response to the tragic events in our world, such as terror attacks, natural disasters, unrest, rumors of war, and suicide. The members of Open Heaven have, once again, sounded an anointed, impassioned call to seek answers in Jesus Christ, to draw close to Him, so we can shower His love and goodness on those around us who are fighting darkness. “It is time NOW for every single person able to wield the sword of the Spirit to do so,” says Freudiger. “It is time NOW for every single intercessor to pray. It is time NOW for every prophet to speak up. It is time NOW for all of us to usher in a second Great Awakening. But it starts in our hearts, in our prayer closets, on our knees.” Go here to connect with the band and learn more about Open Heaven and their latest album, Revival Rising.
October 29, 2019
Hey there, worshippers! Thought I would share something that really created the desire in me to lead worship, back about 18 years ago. At the time I was serving on my church’s worship team but never ever thought I could lead worship. I was too shy, too much of an introvert, I told myself. But one Sunday I had an encounter that rocked my world. I thought I would share the vision that started it all and even inspired the name, Open Heaven. So, here goes… I saw in my spirit the gates of heaven, the beautiful gates of heaven, and two mighty angels pushing those gates open. As that gate began to open, a flood of light burst forth from behind it. It was a light so bright that no human eye could behold it and no human mind could understand it. From the midst of that light I saw the hoofs and legs and chest up to the head of a brilliant, perfect white stallion. And there on that white horse sat the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!!! He whose name is faithful and true, as Revelation says. I couldn’t see anything but his feet because he was so bright. Behind the King there were multitudes of angels and saints atop horses, and their horses were swept along by the sound of their worship. It was as if their worship swept forth and carried them in a river of sound. They were singing the song of heaven mentioned in Revelation, only the ending was changed: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who Was, and Is and HERE HE COMES!” Suddenly from that gate poured a huge tidal wave of white glory, pounding, flooding, crashing down onto the shores of the earth. Breaking on the shores of this world. And like great waves precede a mighty storm, the wave of glory went forth before the King as he rode on the sound of the worship to meet his creation. He was returning to the earth to take His children home. It seemed as if I heard creation whispering and murmuring one sentence: HERE HE COMES! That experience gave me a perspective of what worship truly is and what it’s like to be in the presence of Jesus. When you are living in His presence, you can’t help but worship! And guess what-heaven is open, the Holy Spirit is with us now, and Jesus is returning very soon! We can live in and experience fellowship with Him daily, which causes a lifestyle of worship to carry us along in our callings. Where Jesus is, there is worship, and where there is praise and worship, there is power for what we are called to do in this last hour. Conversely, where there is no worship, there is no power, and we find it hard to “find” where Jesus is. The Bible says that the Kingdom of heaven is INSIDE OF US. If the Spirit of Jesus is INSIDE of us, we should forever be worshipping, giving thanks and praising Him. That is where we will experience power. That is where we will encounter Him. When we realize WHO He is (THE King of Glory) and WHERE He Is (inside of us) and what belongs to Him (our whole lives and our worship), and what belongs to US (everything in His Kingdom we need), we become unstoppable. We can walk right through this valley of death called the earth with a smile on our face, on our assignment, without any distractions or calamities, because the King of Glory is riding on, through our worship. That’s what it means to live from the inside out. That’s where Jesus is. Maranatha. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
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