In the beginning of this year, 2020, I sat down with my songwriting team and shared my heart about what God was speaking regarding our new album. I told them that when I prayed over this album, I felt resurrection and breakthrough was coming.
As we began to write, there was a common theme that emerged. It centered around an overcoming faith that always brings resurrection, breakthrough, and victory. Little did we know that we would need to hold on to that promise so tightly in the coming weeks and months!
It seemed all hell broke loose. Death and fear were unleashed. The ugliness of this fallen world and our sin nature was put on display. In the midst, God began whispering this word to my heart…
It’s a very forceful, all-encompassing word that does not leave any margin for second guessing.
It’s a word that crowds out uncertainties and questions. During a year that has felt very uncertain and is so filled with questions, this word, from one of my favorite Scriptures, seems like it doesn’t fit.
Now thanks be to God who
leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
—2 Corinthians 2:14 (NKJV, emphasis mine)
He leads us in triumph.
Every single time.
Without fail.
In all confidence.
When all hell breaks loose, there is a promise that stand greater. When it looks bad, we feel lost, or it seems impossible, it’s the perfect setup for a triumph! After all, the only reason we need breakthrough and resurrection is because there have been setbacks, holdups, or death.
Out of the shaking, our faith can be confident.
Throughout the shaking and unrest, fear and isolation, uncertainties and questions that this year has brought, this Scripture promises that we can
have victory in Christ and triumph over every enemy and every circumstance.
The word triumph
means, “a victory or conquest by or as if by military force, a notable success, the joy or exultation of victory or success, a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a decisive victory over a foreign enemy.”
God is never surprised by our circumstances or problems! He isn’t overwhelmed or fearful about what’s going to happen. In fact, we can expect trouble in a troubled world. Jesus said:
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
—John 16:33 (NKJV)
In February, as our team was writing and seeking God for this live worship album, I had a crazy vision about the return of the Lord. My world has been forever rocked. (I’ll share about that in another blog.)
From that moment, I felt strongly that we must also keep our eyes on the ultimate triumph—the return of Jesus Christ and the day He will take us home to our heavenly reward.
Two of the songs on this album speak about this glorious day, the day when we will see the final triumph over all death. He will wipe every tear from our eyes! We will see the Victor Himself, riding on the clouds of heaven, coming to take us home. What a great day!
But until that moment, we need to realize WHY we are still here.
The second half of 2 Corinthians 2:14 says that through us, God wants to “diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” And then verse 15 of that chapter goes on to say, “For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.”
God wants to reach people with His goodness. Our victory, our testimony, is NOT just for us. It’s for showing the goodness of God in this land. It’s for showing off the extravagant power and love of our Father.
As you listen to the live worship experience, recorded at Faith Life Church with our incredible congregation of Jesus followers, I pray that you literally feel the Spirit of Jesus rising up on the inside of you to stand against darkness. I pray that the God of the breakthrough would show you how trustworthy and faithful He truly is! I sense the resurrection power of Jesus pouring out over our world. I believe that awakening is here!
Be at peace.
Jesus is still on the throne. He is not surprised by anything. He knows the cries of your heart. And in the midst, He is there.
—Amy Freudiger
Amy Keesee Freudiger is Worship Pastor at Faith Life Church and Executive Producer of Open Heaven Band’s latest live worship album, Triumph. She and her husband, Jason, love being parents to their three children, Journey, Dawson, and Revere.
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